Columns Opinion

Why we vote

Published April 20, 2010 at 10:34 pm


I’ve written about how difficult it is to make the “right” choice when you have all these surveys, news reports, smear campaigns and annoying journalists (like me) trying to “help” you decide. It’s pretty annoying for me as well.

A week ago I was dead-set on voting for Gibo Teodoro then out of the blue I thought about voting for Dick Gordon instead. It’s been a very difficult process of discerning but it’s one that we have to go through. But never, never in my discernment process have I thought about voting for the other gentleman from Tarlac and the gentleman from Tondo.

I don’t buy the whole nakalangoy-ka-na-ba-sa-dagat-ng-basura sell and it frankly annoys the hell out of me. I also don’t see how I can vote for someone who sees money as the ultimate value in a campaign. No, I am definitely not voting for Manny Villar. I am also light years away from being convinced to vote based on who’s the “cleanest” among them all. His parents’ legacy is both a handicap and an advantage. However, as of press time, I’m seeing it as more of a disadvantage really. The expectations are high and he isn’t exactly delivering.

What made me consider switching from green to blue was something Gordon said during the Sanggunian’s Sabay Sa Bayan talk featuring him and his running-mate, Bayani Fernando. Don’t be swayed by the surveys and make your own decisions, said Gordon.

This is what I want you to think about as well.

My presidential bet, Teodoro, has been lagging behind in the presidential surveys, to say the least. The only survey where he didn’t place fourth is being disputed by the Liberal Party as being administration-funded. Often I wonder, is a vote for Teodoro (or Gordon, Bro. Eddie Villanueva, Erap Estrada, Nick Perlas, Jamby Madrigal or JC de los Reyes for that matter) a wasted vote?

I don’t think it is.

We vote because we believe that a particular person has the potential to lead the country. We vote because that candidate’s platform is what we want as well. We vote because it is our responsibility to make sure the people running the country are competent and trustworthy. Not voting for someone because of what the surveys say neglects the very point of the voting process. The May 2010 election is the time for you as a mature individual to make your own decision and stand up for it.

The surveys say one thing but the “masses” say another. I’ve met many Teodoro supporters in the past weeks; it’s surprising and encouraging. I’m sure there are many Gordon, Villanueva, Perlas, Estrada, Madrigal and de los Reyes supporters out there. They might not be as vocal as the Aquino and Villar machineries but they’re out there. And they’re voting for who they think will be the best leader for the country.

Do not allow the surveys to do the thinking for you. I ask you, dear Atenean, to read up, be informed, take a stand and be ready to defend that stand. It won’t guarantee that your bet will win the elections. For all we know, he or she might lose by a mind-shattering landslide. Yes, your vote might go to a candidate who’ll lose anyway.

But winning isn’t exactly the point of voting… or is it?

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