Columns Opinion

Why we need to vote for Noy

Published March 20, 2010 at 2:20 am

The Sound and The Fury

Reader, I’m going to ask you for a favor.

Okay, correction. I’m begging you for a favor.

On May 10, when you go to your nearest voting precint and place your vote for the Philippine presidency, I need you to vote for Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” Cojuangco Aquino, III.

I’m going to be honest. I have never been a big supporter of the Noynoy campaign. It troubles me that two months before the elections, his birthright is still his only defining trait. It bothers me that after years in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, he never really accomplished anything. On top of having a near inscrutable (read: essentially non-existent) platform, his stand on some key issues are questionable. And on top of all that, he isn’t even the most charismatic living member of his nuclear family (that distinction goes to his larger-than-life sister Kris, of course).

I’m not asking you to vote for Noynoy because I think he’s the best, most qualified candidate. He really isn’t, not by a long shot. In my opinion, it’s Gilbert Teodoro, with maybe Dick Gordon in second place. I have a lot of friends with a lot of opinions and while we never seem to agree on who the best candidate is, I think we all agree that objectively speaking, it’s just not Noynoy Aquino.

But the thing is, I’m voting for him anyway. Why am I asking you to vote for Noynoy? I’m asking you to vote for him because of the alternative.

At this point, it’s safe to say that Gordon, Teodoro, the always ineffable Erap Estrada, campaign spitfire Jamby Madrigal, and any other presidentiable are all essentially saling pusa candidates. 2010 has long revealed itself to be a two-man race, a race that some say pits “Good” versus “Evil,” a race between Manny Villar and Noynoy Aquino.

Wherever your non-Villar loyalties lie, you need to vote for Noynoy because a vote for Gordon, Teodoro, Madrigal, and even Estrada (if you’re inclined to do so), is a vote for Villar. If you find yourself seriously considering voting for Teodoro, if you find yourself succumbing to Madrigal’s tenacity, just remember: You are voting for Manny Villar. You are voting for the man whose big philosophical question is whether or not we’ve taken a bath in a sea of trash. You are voting for a man who repeatedly refused to show up at the Senate and face the C5 allegations. You want transparency? You want honestly? Don’t vote for Villar.

For all his weaknesses, for all his perceived incompetencies, a Noynoy victory at least affords this country some dignity. It at least gives us a man with good intentions, someone who actually seems to want this country to thrive. If his being the son of Ninoy and Cory gives us anything, it’s the assurance that he was brought up well, with morals intact.

On my penultimate column for The GUIDON, allow me some self-indulgence. May 4 is my twenty-second birthday. By May 4, I will have undergone Cha-Cha rallies, the Estrada Impeachment trials, EDSA II, EDSA III, “Hello, Garci,” GMA, GMA, and more GMA. Not once have I ever thought of leaving this country despite all this. I always rationalized them as phases our country has to go through and someday, a good leader will lead us out of the grave we’ve dug ourselves into.

If Villar wins, that just might be the final straw, the end of all hope. A Villar win says we never learn. A Villar win says we are hopeless.

So on May 10, we need to vote for our country. We need to vote for Noynoy Aquino.

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  • Based on your lame reasons or excuses for just voting for a non-viable candidate like Noynoy Aquino, why don’t you do yourself and our country a favor? Vote for GIBO TEODORO
    (1) to beat Manny Villar and
    (2) to put the best candidate for the presidency
    By doing this, you hit two birds with one stone. Vote wisely, my dear. 🙂

      • I am a political science major myself before I entered UP Law so how I can understand the theory underlying this article.

        I commend Raymond for his analysis. Though some may find it stupid, that actually, is a valid political analysis. The matter however, is that some commenters are taking their personal bias on commenting against Raymond. Suppose: A vote for X, Y and Z is a vote for T because (blah, blah, blah), therefore, we should vote R. then you will see the beauty of his analysis.

        • A valid political analysis? You’ve been blogging about gossip too long, sir.

          A vote for any of Noynoy’s opponents is a vote for Villar is a claim that is completely unfounded, misleading, and what is called a FALSE DILEMMA.

          Mr. Raymond Ang suggests that there are only two choices when there are actually more (the best among these, at least for rational thinkers, are Gordon and Gibo between whom I’m undecided).

          Pinoy Gossip Boy, the logic is understandable, but Mr. Ang’s assumptions on which his “analysis” is predicated are monumentally wrong.

      • I am not voting for Gibo. Granting that he is matalino, it is not an assurance that he will be able to address effectively our country’s problems. He failed even at DND. He failed miserably in dismantling private armies as evidenced by the Maguindanao problem.

        • @Mr. Ylagan,

          It might help you to know that Noynoy failed at getting ONE SINGLE BILL passed into law in all of his 12 years as legislator. He was only able to author/co-author a total of 9 BILLS IN 12 YEARS, giving him the average of LESS THAN ONE BILL A YEAR! We don’t need someone with perfect attendance but bottomline lazy elected as president.

          If you already know all this, then good for you. Whoever else you pick besides Gibo will be your business; I’m just making sure you’re not foolishly picking Noynoy over Gibo.

          Gordon’s a great choice.

  • My God! How stupid of you to suggest to us to vote for an incompetent presidentiable. You came from an elite school but your suggestion was just plain stupid. Bumababa na ba ang kalidad ng edukasyon sa Ateneo ngayon? This is your penultimate column and this is the best that you can leave to your readers? Siguro nga bumaba na ang quality ng edukasyon sa Ateneo matagal na kasi your school produced Noynoy Aquino.

    • Hi Eldy. I don’t think it was proper for you to attack the Ateneo education because of a mere opinion article from only one Atenean.
      Yes, the article that Mr. Raymond Ang had written must not be characteristic of the holistic education supposedly imparted by the Ateneo to its students, but it is an opinion article after all. And his opinions are his alone; they do not necessarily reflect the way the Ateneo wants its students to think. After all, it is man that chooses which values and ideals to consider and which ones to disregard as he pursues an education.

    • It’s Raymond Ang’s column, ergo, his opinion. Badmouthing the Ateneo is not only unnecessary, it’s downright immature. Don’t you think? 🙂

      • Not really immature. It’s quite human, actually.

        your EIC is like your school’s spokesperson, unofficially. Simply because he’s the figurehead of your media. This article may be an unofficial statement on his side, but you can’t blame those who think badly of the school he represents. It’s just human. Not right, but just human.

  • If our mentality is wrapped by the surveys, we think in this manner. I’m for Gibo, and I’ll fight for what I believe.

  • Mon Tulfo in one of his articles stated that Filipinos are immature voters because we tend to vote for candidates who are popular and are sure winners. Let us show the world that Filipinos have gone a long way and that we are now discerning and intelligent voting Filipinos. We will no longer be swayed by our emotions. …Let us vote for our candidate because we know that he is qualified and knows what it takes to run a country like ours. To me, a wasted vote is not a vote for a candidate who may not win. A wasted vote is a vote for a candidate I did not believe in. It saddens me to know that though you recognize Gibo as the most qualified, you are not only not going to vote for him but you are calling others to not vote for him either. Maybe if the call in your editorial was different, then Gibo would actually have a chance at winning.

  • What difference will it make if a no-brainer, easily influenced and swayed leader without a strong political will win the 2010 elections? Isn’t it most likely the same with Villar winning the race?

    Noynoy couldn’t even stand up on his own, how will that be any good to the country? If he wins, and hopefully not, it;ll be a Puppet presidency, and God forbid, the Philippines will be overtaken by Bangladesh in terms of economy…

      • I think the comment of Louie is not over reacting. Vietnam, a country considered one of the poorest in Asia at least 10 years ago, has overtaken us in terms of economic growth.

  • Were are your brain? Among all the Presidential candidates, u will vote for noynoy? ur dreaming..try to research the truth about him? no legislative record at senate. Grabbed the reputation of his parents and the sympathy of the Filipino people. DAWLIMS-dawat limpyo. an opportunistic. no clear program, he had no dishonesty record because he don’t have the record to show, no achievements to boast!

    • exactly?!!!he had no dishonesty record because he don’t have the record to show, no achievements to boast!!!!

  • Where did you get your logic? And where did you store away your principles, your values, conviction and your conscience? I certainly expected much… oh much, much more from a Jesuit-bred young man!

    A vote for Teodoro, Gordon… etc. is a vote for Villar? Oh no! However, you try to distort and misinterpret it, a vote for Teodoro — between my God and me, between my country and me — is a vote of conscience that stands on a value I will not sacrifice for anyone or anything, is a vote for Teodoro. And that is because I have studied, thought it through, discerned, and made my choice and decision on who I think will bring about the positive changes I’ve longed and prayed for in my country and for my people.

    I will NOT compromise on a value-based choice and decision. And certainly not for a candidate who has NOTHING to offer toward the Positive changes I long for. Not for a candidate whose only slogan and call is “Laban!” and he doesn’t even know what the fight is for or all about because he never thought, let alone served, long and deep enough to be a responsible, let alone an inspiring leader. So what kind of changes will he bring with him? Oh no.

    If youth like you who had the best education and life experiences to be able to discern with wisdom can espouse such a logic and decision-making process, are we surprised that our country has remained in the rut that we are in politically and culturally — to say the least?

    I sure hope you spend some more time to re-evaluate your stand, your choice, and your advocacy. Think POSITIVE VALUE FOR OUR COUNTRY AND OUR PEOPLE!!!

    • I couldn’t agree less. I’m an Atenean and the moment I read his opinion article, I was appalled by his distorted reasoning and fallacious arguments.

      Like Ms. Patricia, I will vote this coming May elections and I will vote for Gibo because I care about my future, I care about my future children’s future, and most especially, I care about my country. A vote for Gibo is certainly not a vote for Villar. Because a vote for Gibo is a vote for change, a vote for hope, a vote for REALISTIC PROGRESS.

  • I saw a link to this article floating around on Facebook, and honestly, I was disappointed.

    Before the page fully opened, I was thinking along the lines of, “Maybe this guy has a really good point to show us why we should vote for Noynoy,” but when I read the sentences “Okay, correction. I’m begging you for a favor.” and got to the third paragraph, the essay fell apart for me.

    Because essays, and most especially one in a publication as respected as the Guidon, don’t beg for favors from a reader. They convince.

    Especially one that makes such a strong statement such as this. It reminded me of a teacher saying this to a student: I know you’re not good enough to be valedictorian, but since your closest rival has a bad conduct record (never mind that he actually performed better than you) and the other students who are better than you that I can choose from aren’t as popular as you, then I’m going to pick you.

    Or of the Peck Cantal ads on KINGSAM buses plying the EDSA route ( for a picture), which says “maawa na po kayo sa akin IBOTO ninyo.” The guy is officially considered a nuisance candidate; with that plea, will anyone be convinced that he is otherwise?

    Sure, I’m no Noynoy supporter; but that doesn’t mean I’m automatically voting for Villar when I choose not to vote for Noynoy. For one, we’re not using the same two-party system in place in the US where you’re either Republican or Democrat (we used to have that system in the past).

    I’m voting for either Gibo or Gordon (guys you’ve actually identified as the most worthy candidates in the elections), and after reading this essay, I am more dissuaded from voting for Noynoy because of all the points you’ve raised.

    What we think is the right choice may not necessarily be the most popular choice, but that does not mean that we should always choose the wrong ones just simply because they’re popular and they’re going to win.

    Even my group of friends are still divided over the choice of candidate–but at least when we go to the polls, we know we are voting for whom we think is qualified enough to lead a nation of 90 million people and counting. Hell, my orgmate is campaigning like crazy for Nicanor Perlas, trying to get people to raise 500 thousand pesos for the guy for the last month of the campaign (an amount of money that my org has never, ever managed to raise especially in so short a time) because she believes in his platform.

    Going back to the Peck Cantal tidbit, if a supporter of Noynoy needs to resort to begging to get votes because s/he cannot convince other people to vote for that candidate on the basis of platform and qualifications, will it sway votes? I don’t think so. It even creates a negative image of the candidate because it shows that the candidate is not strong enough to convince his supporters of his own merit, a merit separate from his father and mother’s legacy.

    We might end up voting like how people voted for Gloria in the 2004 elections–sure, she cheated, but I also know quite a number of people who voted for Glora for the reason that they believed other candidates have no chance of winning, regardless of whether they were qualified or not.

    And what about the Mendiola Massacre and Hacienda Luisita Massacre? Will a vote for Noynoy also mean a vote against the farmers killed in those two massacres? Will a vote for Noynoy, too, see the return of Kamaganak, Inc.?

    Or maybe I am just really not a believer in the whole Aquino legacy, because after the country has seen several EDSA Revolutions, nothing really has changed?

    After all, 2010 was originally the Mar Roxas vs. Manny Villar race. Noynoy was the real saling pusa, joining only when Cory died and her popularity resurged for a country looking for heroes. Now, he is stuck in a similar problem as Mar Roxas was then–not popular enough to win against Villar.

    What can he do now to change our minds?

  • your worldview is so black and white. noynoy and villar are not the only two options and it’s times like these we should be thanking whatever gods there may be out there that they aren’t.

    i also have a problem with your use of the word “saling pusa”. do you even know what it means, in the first place? a “saling pusa” translates roughly to a “hanger-on”, someone who is only there not because of his accomplishments or merits but because he/she is connected to so-and-so. i know there are a lot of noynoy supporters, and i’m sorry if i offend, but from all angles noynoy appears to be the only “saling pusa” in this election. the main reason he was nominated to lead the liberals is not because of his accomplishments but because he is the son of two prominent politicians who have since passed on.

    you have also never explained what villar has done in order to not deserve anyone’s support. i will not be voting for villar in the upcoming election because i have long become disillusioned with him. however even despite this i acknowledge that villar is far more experienced and has contributed more to the country than noynoy ever has. i understand there are allegations of him becoming a “trapo” and yes compared to people like gibo, gordon and perlas he’s not very bright. but that doesn’t change the fact that you have simply poisoned the well without taking the necessary time to point out what you believe are his most obvious and detrimental flaws.

    i also take issue with the fact that you said a vote for any other candidate besides noynoy and villar is a vote for villar. pardon the potentially faulty analogy but that’s like saying everytime you eat a burger a part of the untouched burger beside you mysteriously vanishes into thin air. it doesn’t make sense. a vote for gibo is a vote for gibo, a vote for gordon for gordon, for jamby for jamby, and so on, and so forth.

    finally i dislike the fact that you referred to this election as a battle between “good” and “evil”. it is not, it never was, and it never will be. i think we can all agree that that stage in human history where everything could be described simply in terms of “good” and “evil”, “black” and “white”, has long since passed. things are far more complex now and we should all learn to point out the gray areas and exercise caution in exercising such a black-and-white worldview. it is precisely that kind of worldview that has spawned colonizations, persecutions, world wars, etc, etc.

    a few things you and everyone else should ponder:

    1. the written word is a powerful thing. no matter how much some scientists, businessmen and technocrats deride the humanities they are powerful enough to merit praise, attract criticism, and undergo scrutiny and censorship. one must be responsible in publishing certain types of material, especially in such a prominent publication.

    2. elections aren’t just about winning. they’re about standing for your own principles and worldviews. you cannot, and should not encourage other people to abandon their principles for the sake of winning. that’s called selling out, and no one in the history of the world has ever respected a sell out.

    good day.

  • The only time the Filipinos will become mature voters will be the time the government impose a to party system. Such that to vote for one will be voting for the other.

    I will be voting for Noynoy this coming elections. Why? Because I hate Manny Villar winning than other candidates winning.

    Case and point my friends, Erap Estrada won the 1998 elections despite the intelligent voter’s plea to the masses to vote wisely. Why he won isn’t exactly because of the masses. He won because the opposition wasn’t as solid. They failed to mount a good candidate to solidify their opposition stance.

  • Disregard the first comment.

    The only time the Filipinos will become mature voters is the time when the government will impose a two party system. Such that voting for one is tantamount to not voting for the other.

    I will be voting for Noynoy this coming elections. Why? I hate Manny Villar winning than see my own bet losing.

    Case and point my friends, Erap Estrada won the … See More1998 elections despite the intelligent voter’s plea to the masses to vote wisely. Why he won isn’t exactly because of the masses. He won because the opposition wasn’t as solid. They failed to mount a good candidate to solidify their opposition stance.

  • it’s time for us to show to the world that we are intelligent voters… that we cannot be easily swayed by false surveys and popularities, among others. we need to stand on what we believe in, and die for it, for the country. we need to choose the right leader, and that for me is GIBO.. his visions for the country are unmistakenly great, and possible. with him, and with our help, the Philippines has nowhere else to go but FORWARD. the issues are there, all we have to do is open up our eyes, our minds, and our hearts..

  • Only hope? You’re basing your hopes on who gets elected president? Are you not a Christian? What did your Jesuit education do for you?

    The only wasted vote is the one cast without conviction. In Ateneo parlance, “Lundagin mo beybe.”

  • Iho, nakahithit ka ba? Coming from a highly-regarded educational institution, I expected more from you.

    If you’re saying that “a vote for Gordon, Teodoro, Madrigal, and even Estrada (if you’re inclined to do so) is a vote for Villar”, then consider the alternative: votes for Aquino, Roxas, & even Villar are votes for Estrada (A CONVICTED PLUNDERER).

    Baka naman nakalimutan mo na: nagpataas ng kamay yang tatlo at nagpaendorso kay Erap noong 2007 elections DAHIL PARE-PAREHO SILANG GALIT KAY GMA. Binalewala na lang ang nakaraan na kung saan sila rin mismo ang mga kalahok sa pagpapatanggal kay Erap sa Malacanang. Ganito na ba ang kaledad ng mga pulitiko rito: MGA WALANG PRINSIPYO at papanig na lang sa kung sinu-sino (KAHIT SA NAHATULAN NA MANDARAMBONG) para lang mapatalsik ang isang tao? Tapos ngayon, hinihikayat mo ang mga nakabasa nito na iboto ang KASALUKUYAN PA RING KAIBIGANG PAMPULITIKAL NI ERAP?!!!


  • Kaya huwag sanang ibalandra ng kampo nina Noynoy ang isa sa campaign slogans nila na, “Tanggalin ang tiwali, itama ang mali.” Galit siya sa mga katulad ni GMA, pero hindi naman niya mailinis ang sarili niyang political backyard (by associating himself with a convicted plunderer).

    Nakakalungkot lang at may mga taong katulad mo na ganoong mag-isip. Wala talagang patutunguhan ang bansa natin kung ganoon.

  • Thanks for making Gibo shine in your column and affirming that he is the best and the most qualified among the candidates. While I respect your decision to vote for Noynoy, your reasons for doing so is disheartening. Your defeatist attitude is not good for all of us. I know deep inside your heart that you want to vote for Gibo. My piece of advise… follow your heart…

  • Before you vote NoyNoy remember the deaths at Hacienda Luisita and Mendiola. Remeber, not all populars are the best.
    Pls vote Gibo for president and we promise that won’t regret your vote for him. He has the best quality and qualified to handle our n

  • this article was actually posted in the Guidon?! what a way to destroy our pride as Ateneans! we’re supposed to be eagles who chart our own courses. not some ducks quacking away and following where the “many” go. we’re supposed to be above all of these. to have a mind for ourselves.

    your plea was more sickening than it was convincing. had you actually posted any workable or valid argument as to why we should vote for noynoy i would have done so. but such logic is remarkably flawed. this kind of mentality is one that should never be shared. ever.

  • Am i really reading a “The Guidon”?
    oh my, i totally agree that the approach of this essay is so disheartening.
    it shows a lack of well-thought conviction.
    not too late though to discren well on your shared perspective.
    i am hoping, that Philippines will have a valuable leader.
    and even now, im seeing more of the youths being inspired by the life of a more deserving presidentiable, GIBO. With that, I think I can start a credible change.

  • “If his being the son of Ninoy and Cory gives us anything, it’s the assurance that he was brought up well, with morals intact.”


    It seems to me you haven’t really researched well on the Hacienda Luisita and Mendiola Massacres. Perhaps you want to ask for copies from the Bangko Sentral and GSIS proving his family didn’t comply to the terms of the loan Noynoy’s grandfather, Jose Conjuangco, Sr. got from the government?

    And it seems to me you aren’t a true-blooded Atenean with this article. You are settling for less? Whatever happened to ATENEO’s 3 thrusts of excellence?


    • If his being the son of Ninoy and Cory gives us the assurance that Noynoy was brought up well with morals intact, how do you explain Kristeta’s past and her morals as their daughter?

  • I saw this link in facebook, and wanted to see what the author wanted to say..

    I agree, the EDSAs, the Hello Garci, all the issues that the Philippines has gone through so that one day, a leader would come out and bring the Philippines back to the time when we were the envy of the Asian countries..

    your arguement was as weak as his birth right to be the next president. I can’t vote because I’m a foreigner, studying here in the Philippines, but what I do know based on your politics is that voting for Noynoy won’t do you any good for the country. Yes his platform is to remove corruption so that your country can develop, but eliminating corruption is just a slice of the pie.. the poor people have to understand that the value of education, and the government has to put a stop to students dropping out just after grade 5..

  • ..just like my networking website, UNO, my vote, my one and only vote would surely be for G1BO…instinct dictates to me to go for the most qualified candidate, and there’s nobody else, nobody, nobody but, G1BO

  • a lot of you who disliked this article are idealists. fine, you vote for your principles, you vote for your conscience, but the truth is 70% will not be doing so. Villar’s campaign is directed to the mass and they comprise the majority of the voting population. most of them are illiterate, who will only vote on how the ads appeal to them or how much they will bought. they will not consider what might be the consequences, or weigh the truth about the scandals. we are fortunate to understand, and it is good to be an idealist but sometimes we have to face reality and that reality is that noynoy is the only one who have a fighting chance to win against villar. so I agree with Raymond, we vote for noynoy for hope.

    • This is coming from someone whose whole family is for Noynoy, this is not the way you should promote him. And I am speaking based on ACTUAL research.

      People who are undecided and who are anti-Noynoy will not be swayed and are even off-put by the “lesser evil argument.” What we need is a reason WHY he is the best candidate. WHY his name deserves to be marked and not Gibo’s or Gordon’s.

      If you truly believe in this man and what he can do for this country surely there is a better way to convince us than by calling us haters or 70% of those non-voters. Surely, if he is worth the presidency there’s a lot more to say than that.

    • idealism to work shouldn’t just be studied and glorified. idealism is lived, in our smallest actions and most importantly in our biggest decisions. nations are not borne of races. nations are borne of shared beliefs, of ideas. and my nation, our nation, believes and acts that is progressive.

      that’s why our idealism makes us campaign for and vote for the only candidate that we think is our country’s best steward. a great, intelligent and hardworking people deserve a leader who’s as intelligent and hardworking.

      I vote, We vote for Gibo because we are not defeatists. We vote for Gibo because we have and live Hope.

      This is the real hope.

    • christine,

      on the contrary it is you who is being idealistic here, thinking that a person who is being promoted as “good” can make a big difference. take note i used the word “promoted” because truth be told noynoy is nothing more than a candidate who managed to lay claim to that “good” branding.

      we need more than just a “good” president. what we need more is a citizenry that thinks with its head.

  • Beg all you want, I ain’t gonna vote for Noynoy…intellectual votes goes to G1BO! G1BO never talked trash to trash…. G1BO for CEBU!

  • First of all napansin ko lang. We keep saying na bad article bad article whatsoever but remember this is the opinion section, this is an opinion column which is supposedly

    A column is a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other publication. Columns are written by columnists.
    What differentiates a column from other forms of journalism is that it meets each of the following criteria:
    It is a regular feature in a publication
    It is personality-driven by the author
    It explicitly contains an opinion or point of view

    Maybe we can stop talking about the logic here or that it came out on a paper??? Pero I have to agree to a certain point that maybe this should have been posted on a blog?

    Next. I don’t agree with this opinion at all. For me if you simply vote a person because survey’s and general idea says he’s the winner, your not exercising democracy at all. Well that is just another person’s opinion.

  • I agree with Christine and I comprehend the way of thinking Raymond has posed in this blog entry. I also think that most of the people who reacted violently to this post has a shallow sense of understanding of what the Filipino mentality really is at present, and are yes, much too idealist for the sake of sensibility. Raymond was just being a realist, and I believe he makes sense, and I think he should not be swayed by the comments against him. The truest sense is usually misunderstood. The truth is, the majority of Filipino voters do not think like Atenean or UP graduates, and they will not bother to read any long piece such as this nor take the time to digest its essence. They’re much more worried about food or shelter or education. The race of presidency has been evaporated into a Villar vs. Noynoy one in the eyes of the masses. I am not for Noynoy personally — I do not believe he is a saint, and I do not approve of the Hacienda Luisita issues and the like — but sometimes you just have to accept that you have no choice but to choose between the lesser of two evils.

    Right now it is obvious that Filipinos are still not ready to comprehend such idealism. Look around you, at the majority of people whose daily goals are to watch their favorite telenovela, or Pacquiao’s next battle, or hear about KC Concepcion — do you think these people will be able to really understand if you tell them to vote wisely? No. They’re worried about their primary needs too much to spend an afternoon simply contemplating these candidates one by one, like most of you “educated” people can afford. They simply will not bother to comprehend and think YET. They’re not ready. This election might not be the one you are all envisioning to be hopeful and progressive. It’s not the one where you can all flash your “VOTE FOR A GOOD LEADER TO SAVE US ALL!” campaign to people. At least not yet. Sometimes you have to learn to wait for the right time for things. It may be wise to follow the writer’s suggestions, at least for now.

    For the meanwhile it would help if you people begun the work to share your “education” with the masses, the kind of reasoning that would eventually help them choose wisely. It’s a long process, and the time left before this election is not enough. A blog entry is not enough to open their minds. Opening their minds first and maturing them is the first step; after that would they be finally able to stand on their own feet, and they’d KNOW what to do without having to be told to. But no, the time is not now. They’re not ready.

    Raymond, these people do not get you. They think your thinking is low, when in fact it is rather advanced. They do not take into consideration how the masses think; only how THEY think, as “educated” people. I appreciate your bravery in sharing these ideas and I admire your out-of-the-box thinking. I think you understand Filipinos more than these people do.

    • out of the box thinking? I say out of context. We do our best to influence how the masses think instead of pretending to think like them. and we teach them to actually consider platforms over popularity. But I think your main premise of flawed. Your idea of who is winnable is based on what you’ve been watching and reading in biased media outfits. Go to the streets. Ask around. Go outside NCR, know the truth.

  • While I understand the point of the opinion writer as being merely pragmatic, I take offense of the fact that such analysis represents the common thinking, rather than the ‘enlightened’ one.

    I might be asking too much from our intellectual elites. But if our intellectual elites from UP or Ateneo succumb to common thinking, disregarding idealism, then we merely continue the rotten system that our elders built. We are then no different from frog inside the well, whose view of heaven is limited to the piece of sky it sees inside the well.

    We are educated in the best universities. The least that we can do is to provide our readers more insightful analysis.

  • “the people who reacted violently to this post has a shallow sense of understanding of what the Filipino mentality really is at present” “But no, the time is not now. They’re not ready.”

    Duh? This mentality would get you nowhere. Advance thinking? This has been the thinking of the Filipinos since who knows when.

    Isn’t it more helpful for our country if you vote for the candidate who you think is the best among them? And not settle for anything less. Its your right, its our right, and isn’t it the reason why we vote? Or do we just vote to prevent somebody else from winning (that is so “crab menatlity” dude)?

    I believe Filipinos can think, I believe that they are not stupid, actually they are smart and adaptive. We can change, and we can start the change now.

    If you think voting for the “lesser” evil would help our country then good luck.

  • Honestly, can you hear yourself talking? Are there only two candidates running for the presidency? Don’t be fooled by surveys that’s why it’s called as such, because it allows room for errors and it is not definite. If elections has been manipulated, ano pa yung simpleng survey???

    Anyways, vote for the lesser evil? Didn’t the Filipinos do that last 2004? Voted for GMA because they didn’t want FPJ to be their next President? What happened? Look at our country now!

    I just hope that Ateneo students do not think the same way you do because it will be a shame for the school. Ateneo bragging to be one of the BEST schools in the Philippines but arguing stupidly. gad! What will happen to our country… Oh, to think, Noynoy graduated from your school! I hope he doesn’t use the “lesser evil”in his decisions… Gad! What would the Philippines be like when he becomes the President! I don’t even want to imagine…

  • I still think Raymond makes a tactical point. Obviously you have not read my whole post, and have not taken into consideration my own alternative patriotic suggestions aside from voting for “the best candidate.” But that’s okay.

    The idea of “surveys are faked” is again another idea that requires a certain amount of contemplation in order for one to arrive to, and as I’ve said, I do not believe Filipinos today afford such time and luxury, given the poverty the majority of the country is undergoing today. Again, as I’ve said, it’s not that Filipinos are stupid, but rather that they are in a way incapacitated to arrive at these conclusions. At least for now, that the very low standard of living has forced them to focus on more immediate needs such as food, shelter, security, etc. When a person is starving, issues like elections and who is the better candidate and whether it is possible that the surveys that the media put out are fake end up being his last priorities. And because of that, I think that most Filipinos would be much influenced by the surveys, fake or not, and may end up with the conclusion that they have only Noynoy and Villar to choose from.

    And anyway, if you would look at past surveys and previous elections, you will see that there is not much difference in the results. But that is, yes, just statistics. I will continue.

    Also, in my opinion, the 2004 elections was by no (or very little, if ever) means similar to the situation that the writer of this article has let us envision. GMA did not win simply because Filipinos thought she was the “lesser evil,” and hey, maybe it would be better to vote for her instead of letting FPJ win. I simply do not believe that Filipinos would not have thought up something like that — or if they had, they would be too disunited to push through with such a move. I believe that it was either the image of GMA was cloaked in such high “educated” esteem beside FPJ that Filipinos actually, for a short while, thought she really was the better candidate, or the Hello Garci allegations are true, and that the elections of 2004 were rigged in favor of GMA. Or both.

    Also, it is not a matter of rejecting idealism, but a matter of channeling it into a way that would maximize its motives. Voting now for one’s own “best candidate” is yes, idealistic, but it is not the wisest way to express one’s idealism, given that most Filipinos’ “best candidate” today is usually either Villar or Noynoy. It is even rather disunited. The better way might be for now to yes, “vote for the lesser evil,” THEN start educating the Filipinos through helping them with their immediate needs BEFORE opening them into less immediate ones. Because again, if they’re starving, they won’t think. If they won’t think, they’d vote for…well, the most popular candidate, as history has told us.

    Choosing the “lesser evil” has been a very effective way to avoid bigger problems, for all time. Do not underestimate its power. I’m not saying we choose the lesser evil for forever and stay in a “rotten system our elders built.” I’m saying we choose the lesser evil now, because it’s the first step to uniting ourselves, and THEN help Filipinos reach a much more matured decision-making by sharing “illuminated knowledge” to them.

    You call yourselves the “enlightened,” and don’t even care to share your “light” to the “lost people” of the country as long as you think you’ve done the right thing for yourself? That’s a little selfish and narrow-minded to me. If you’re really all very smart, coming from such elite schools you look so high up to, then at least prove it by sharing your knowledge and support (time, money, etc) to the Filipinos who need them both. Don’t just resort to hiding it, and voting for your own candidate who you think is good in your own standards and not take into consideration what the rest of the country will do, as long as your conscience is clear (as Christine was trying to say to you). Judging by all the comments and opinions everyone has posted here, everyone has his own candidate. Dun pa lang, wala nang pagkakaisa.

    I hope you don’t bully the writer of this article into giving up his ideas. That would be a waste.

    And I’m not from Ateneo.

    • It is not bullying – although some comments in this section are going that way. Only simply, (and this is coming from someone whose whole family is for NoyNoy) I do not think this is the correct way to promote a candidate.

      I am currently undecided and an article such as this is only swaying me AGAINST Noynoy which I am certain is NOT what the writer of this piece wanted.
      You argue based on the merits of your candidate. You argue based on how much you believe in him and what he can do for this country. True, lesser evils do save us from time to time but in a race that determines our FUTURE, I hope we can do better than that.

      Whoever we choose, whatever name we DO decide to mark on that ballot – Noynoy or not – that name better be of someone we wholeheartedly believe can help the Philippines soar.

      SOAR. Not stagnat. Not remain in status quo.

      I am Atenean, And I say, go for nothing less than Magis.

    • “The better way might be for now to yes, “vote for the lesser evil,” THEN start educating the Filipinos through helping them with their immediate needs BEFORE opening them into less immediate ones.”

      Why should we start after election? Shouldn’t we start by now? I remember civil society and anti-PGMA people itching for reform, but now when it’s their candidate leading, I hear something gradual like this? Na we go for the lesser evil?!?

      Because if you educate them after and they come to realize that they voted wrongly, then they’ll feel nothing but dismay for the president, and disappointment in themselves. If they’re educated now, EVEN if there are given factors such as poor education and malnutrition, there is a way to make them vote for what they see as truly right and not popular or whatnot. THAT is the way to empower people. And political maturity is indeed, a pressing need as well.

      I am doing own part for my candidate, and even if it isn’t going down to the dirt-poor areas of the land due to my work (I work where most people are Pro-Noy), I’m working to change the landscape here and anywhere, for people to broaden their perspectives.

      PS: And oh, this ISN’T even his idea. This is a rehash of the forwarded msg entitled “Vote Wisely”.

  • Your reasons are so shallow. You vote for Villar, we are going to hell. You vote for Noynoy, we are also going to hell.

    Why not vote for Gilbert Teodoro, who is very competent and positive about his campaign or Dick Gordon, a fellow Atenean who is definitely the better and well-rounded Blue Eagle than Noynoy?

  • Is this the best that you can say to endorse your fellow Atenista?

    Our country deserves the best government that we can put together. That will only happen if we all collectively make it happen by voting for the best candidate in the coming elections and that, as you agree is G1BO.

    Voting for second best will only give us a mediocre government – such that we cannot afford in this day and age when we are faced with numerous problems i.e., environment, economic, financial and yes, political.

    Only G1BO has the personal qualification that can match the likes of Obama, pound for pound and represent the Filipino people in the world stage with dignity and substance.

    Why on earth would you foist on us a laggard who spent 9 years in the Congress and 3 years in the Senate, received salaries and countryside development fund (over P500M) and has offered back 0 (zero) significant contribution to Philippine legislation? That’s what a call a white-collared grafter. In the corporate world, he would be a candidate for a pink ticket, not a promotion!

  • although i dont believe in all your statements. i see your point. people will eventually see (once Villar wins and they feel the wrath of a corrupt boy) that they actually did contribute to it by not voting for noynoy.

    people should be REALISTIC! wake up boys! i admire this article bec i think your more connected to the ground and to the people.. and you gave an objective perspective!

    im voting for noynoy because i actually believe in him and at the same time, i wont take the risk/ chance for another arroyo administration. tama na 9 years!

    for gibo fans- still wants to implement the PDAF? come on!

  • This is NOT how you promote a candidate. If anything, this turns me off at the idea of going Aquino this coming elections.

    Aren’t we just sick and tired of the “lesser evil” candidate? Aren’t you? Did you not know that that how freaking-GMA was marketed a few years ago? Where did voting for THAT lesser evil get us?

    If you believe in Noynoy then argue his merits. Otherwise, do not think that anyone tired of the current administration will acquiesce to your plea. I MEAN REALLY.

  • This piece doesn’t change the fact that Noynoy is incompetent, inexperienced, and potentially useless. I’m not voting for anyone whose biggest achievements are having popular, dead parents. Unless maybe kung tumakbo si Harry Potter game ako.

  • As I see it, if Former President Cory Aquino (bless her) had not died a timely death, nobody would even remember she had a son in the Senate, much less make him a presidential candidate. As I yet see it, ‘good intentions’ is a manufactured product in politics, and sometimes track record carries more clout. And it’s sad to think that quite a lot of people can’t let go of the fact that both Aquino leaders are now very DEAD, and this child of theirs is NOT them, has NOT gone through what they did, and therefore cannot be depended on to wield his untried “sense of justice” and “hope for the country” to efficient, PRACTICAL, and universally-beneficial ends.

    If you must endorse him, kindly do so in a more evidently intelligent manner, and not in a way that is reminiscent of the Inquisition. Noynoy vs the Scourge that is Villar? All the other EQUALLY eligible presidential candidates Villar minions just because they’re not for Noynoy? Don’t talk down your readers. Some of them aren’t actually stupid, and know WHY they’re going to stick for a certain candidate beyond pedestrian generalisations of “good” and “evil”.

    You might also want to rewrite the article entirely, and make it a piece DISCOURAGING people from voting Villar. It feels to me that it is your main point anyway, if you can provide more reasons for not voting Villar vs. reasons for voting Noynoy.

    Don’t embarrass the rest of us.

    • totally agree with you.

      noynoy’s not a person with good intentions — his decision to run shows that he’s a political opportunist just like every other trapo out there. i don’t see how his platform — one built purely out of hate and vengeance — could possibly be one geared towards good.

      ILU raymond, but this article just made me really sad 🙁

      at the end of the day, the elections should boil down to voting for who one honestly believes is best qualified to run the country, even if the candidate is not, as those surveys say, “winnable”.

      it’s not about siding with who’s “good” and who’s “evil”. let’s face it — there is NO SUCH THING AS GOOD OR EVIL IN POLITICS. even ninoy and cory are not exempt from that, and so is their son.

      casting a vote is a declaration of giving one’s utmost trust to a candidate. we are all to exercise that right. to do otherwise is to do this country a disservice.

  • I cannot believe that A LOT of students from the Ateneo are voting for Gibo.

    The standard bearer of GMA’s party? Come on! Having an allegiance to the party of GMA says a lot in itself.

    Intelligence is not the only defining characteristic of a president. We also need someone who is morally upright. We need someone with principles. Yes, a lot of us were not even born during the Marcos era. But once upon a time, there was this man who dazzled everyone with his charm and intelligence, and simultaneously destroyed the country by corruption. Do you think that Gibo would even dare go against GMA? Don’t you see why the party of GMA chose Gibo as their presidentiable? Don’t you realize that you are playing exactly into the hands of GMA’s party if you vote for Gibo?

    What do I know about Gibo?

    I know that this is the man who once waded in the floodwaters of Ondoy ONLY to pose for photographs. Yes, waded in and got out afterwards! You want to vote for that kind of man? Ateneans, wake up!

    • all politicians pose. whether while its wading in floodwaters, swimming in a sea of trash, beside their dead parents or whatsoever you can think of.

      its the nature of politics. at least it is for our country.

    • if a is not b,
      then gibo is NOT gma.
      likewise, noynoy is NOT/NEVER ninoy or
      noynoy is NOT/NEVER cory.

      one thing that i have observed from the anti-gibo is that they associate GIBO to GMA, which is not and will NEVER be the case.

      btw, about the gibo posing during the typhoon, is that the only and lone reason why you hate him? was that such a big deal to you? such a lousy reason. name me some pres. candidates who didn’t try doing that.

      even volunteers during the typhoon have to wait for Gordon to arrive at the relief center and let the press have him a picture handing donations to the victim.

      oh, and btw, i smell you’r a solid YELLOW army

    • “We also need someone who is morally upright. We need someone with principles.”

      Eh di si Bro. Eddy nalang. At least siya, walang hacienda na hndi dapat sa kanya. This is whole country we are talking about, with around 80 million people. We cannot have someone who is running based on morality alone, and even on that criteria, Noy does not come out on top.

    • “I cannot believe that A LOT of students from the Ateneo are voting for Gibo.”

      Matalino ang mga Atenista eh, ganun lang yun. They think therefore they are for Gibo! btw, I’m from La Salle and it’s nice to see a common ground between us. noynoy is not even in blue. hahaha

    • To KCM, does it mean that we should not go for any intelligent leader because Marcos was intelligent and so as Gloria? I can’t believe that so many in Ateneo think that way now.

  • This is a claim from someone who leans too much on surveys,media,paper,etc. You watch too much t.v man. But, in a way, I understand your logic. But surveys alone will not conclude my vote for the next president of our country. It’s not too late, you can still change your mind. Help us save our country. Pick the wises vote. 😉

  • i would like to repost the below article, i feel like even if i will not be able to vote this up coming elections due to our relocation in another country, i still have this responsibility for my country.. pls read this article.. i’m not saying to vote for nonoy nor not to vote for Gibo but after reading the article above, it made me realize that best candidate to vote is Gordon..

    A piece from Raymund Vitorio

    Gibo Teodoro: So much to answer for 

    My frustration with Gibo supporters lies in the fact that most of them are smart university students, academics, and professionals.  individuals who should have the ability to form insightful opinions, especially on matters of great national and political relevance.

    What I notice, though, is that people who are inclined to vote for Gibo are people who are hypereducated. I’m coining this word to strike a contrast between them and Manny Villar’s (mostly) uneducated followers. Do a quick survey of Gibo fans, and you’ll find that an overwhelming number of them aren’t merely intelligent. They’re aware that they’re intelligent, and their intellectual capacity is actually a great source of pride for them. 

    They support Gibo because at the very core of it, they see him as a peer. As intelligent people, it’s only right that they vote for the intelligent candidate, correct? His professional achievements are enviable: bar topnotcher, Harvard Law graduate, political golden boy. The man even has a pretty wife. And no one will dispute that Gibo has been the most eloquent speaker so far, and in various debates, his wit and rhetoric trump everybody else’s. 

    Gibo supporters place an inordinately high premium on academic achievement and — I am getting tired of this word — intelligence. There’s nothing wrong with that: I would never vote for an inept candidate, someone whose intelligence I would seriously question. 

    However, people who believe in Gibo are forgetting one thing: eloquence, wit, and polished rhetoric does not a good President make. There is a huge crevasse of logic that stands between a man’s intelligence and his ability to effect change in a country that needs it badly; in other words, the former doesn’t necessarily give rise to the latter, despite all appearances. 

    I know it’s been done countless times before, but I’m going to invoke history again: our most intelligent leaders — Marcos and Arroyo — were also the most reviled, because they did everything they could during their terms to plunder from us and keep themselves above the law. And why did they manage to get away with their thievery for so long? Remember that both Marcos and Arroyo served multiple terms. They were in power longer than they should have been. The reason? They were cunning and brilliant, and they knew exactly how to stay safely ensconced in Malacanang Palace. 

    Look, I’m not saying that we should conveniently vote for an idiot so we can easily boot him out when the situation calls for it. I’m also not saying that every intelligent candidate is a potential autocrat or a big-time crook. Instead, what I’m saying is that intelligence alone is a poor barometer for determining which presidential aspirant is most deserving of your vote. 

    So what about Gibo Teodoro? I think he’s a tragic example, actually, because I do admire his purported intellect. In fact, let’s throw in efficiency as well, since people have claimed that this man works well and has a great track record backing his candidacy. But you know what? None of these makes a difference to me. What completely ruins Gibo in my view is his utter inability to show us that he is a principled man. 

    Let’s face it. Public office demands principled individuals, because it’s a service-oriented job. You don’t want McDonald’s staff to drop their burger patties on the floor, only to pick them up later, dust them off, and bundle them up in buns and paper to serve to you. And when you pay a hundred pesos for that burger, it’s only right that you receive your change before the receipt rolls out. We trust people in service jobs to go beyond the bare fulfillment of their tasks; we also want them to be transparent and honest about what they’re giving us, and we want to know what goes on in every transaction that we enter with them.

    Now let’s say that Gibo is a service crew member in your nearest McDonald’s, where he mops the floor and is in charge of tidying up the place. Nonetheless, this McDonald’s is a crappy one, where dropping food and serving them anyway is par for the course, and you find yourself always shortchanged by a few pesos here and there. Despite all these, however, our dear Gibo doesn’t decry the filthy practices of his colleagues. He doesn’t stand up and say, “Wait a minute, guys. We picked those burgers off the floor, they’re dirty, and you shouldn’t be eating them. Oh, and please count your change, because you don’t usually get all of it if you do business here.” He just mops away at the floor and does good work of it. That’s all he does.

    Let’s imagine that this crappy McDonald’s is the administration, and that the manager is GMA. In other words, Gibo is turning a blind eye to everything that the administration is guilty of. And what’s his response when asked about what he’ll do with Arroyo once her term is over? “I won’t intervene.”

    He won’t intervene? That’s it?? It’s a move that reeks of cowardice. It’s inaction that betrays a lack of principle. He knows that Arroyo did something that she has to account for, but he won’t even spearhead an investigation. The best he can do is “not intervene.” Nice try, Gibo.

    People have asked me why it’s important for GMA to pay for her transgressions. Why waste time on such an endeavor? Why not focus on other matters? I’ll tell you why: it’s because we cannot keep on communicating to public officials that it’s okay to steal. If we let Arroyo get away with offenses of astounding magnitude, what will our lesser public officials think? They’ll think stealing from us again and again is fine, becausehey, we won’t do anything about it, anyway, and we allowed bigger crimes to pass through the net before. By letting Arroyo off the hook, we further encourage an already flourishing culture of corruption that should have long been nipped in the bud.

    I’d like to go back to that analogy I drew about a crappy McDonald’s. Funny how, if you found out that the nearest branch habitually served dirty burgers, you would never go back to it again. If they always cheated you out of your change, you would protest and want your money, and you would never go back to that place again. But when it comes to our government, we’re masochists and we’re suckers: oh, you’ve been stealing from me? That’s okay, I’ll vote for you again. Oh, you’ve been trampling upon my human rights? That’s okay, I’m used to it.

    If you vote for Gibo, you’re essentially the McDonald’s customer who’s happy to chew on burgers that have been dropped all over the place before they were finally served to you. You’re okay with getting less change than you should, because the guy who’s mopping the floor is doing a good job of it, and you think that a clean floor equals clean service. If this crew member were really doing a good job, he’d tell you to get out of there. He would hand in his resignation and find a better place where his principles don’t have to be compromised.

    In other words, it’s not enough that a man be intelligent. It’s not enough that his rhetoric can sweep you off your feet. It’s not enough that he works efficiently. He must have principles, unyielding and certain. Principle is the scaffolding in true leadership, without which the whole structure of governance cannot sustain itself.

    So think about that, Gibo supporters. I’m sure you can. You’re intelligent, after all.

    • Finally, a sensible reply. While I am undecided about who to vote for, I know that I will NOT note for Gibo. If he is as intelligent as he appears to be, he certainly looked the other way whenever his “boss” did something questionable. The Hyatt 10 had the guts to protest. He didn’t . His inability to control the Ampatuans was also a glaring failure. Why would I ever want to vote for someone like him? His party has practically stopped supporting him. That what he got for his loyalty.

      Finally, are all the Gibo supporters here really from Ateneo or have blogs such as this been systematically targeted by his team?

      P.S. Can someone verify if Gibo is his real nickname or just a creation to sound more masa?

      • THAT was a sensible reply? Who are you kidding? Suggesting that Gibo is a Gloria puppet is the only way his opponents could lie their way into APPEARING like they’re morally superior to him. And because Noynoy couldn’t beat his cousin in ANY aspect of comparison because he seems to have slept away all those years as legislator, all he could do is bash Gloria and whoever is associated with her.

        Here’s a reply quoting an excellent earlier comment over there where the original article against Gibo is published (they moderate comments so it might take a while for you to see this):

        This is just plain unresearched overreacting:

        He won’t intervene? That’s it?? It’s a move that reeks of cowardice. It’s inaction that betrays a lack of principle. He knows that Arroyo did something that she has to account for, but he won’t even spearhead an investigation. The best he can do is “not intervene.” Nice try, Gibo.

        David Yap beat me to it, but I’ll quote and emphasize what he raised in his comment so that it’ll maybe stick into your memory a wee bit longer.

        TO OTHER READERS, pay attention because this is REALLY important.

        David Yap explains clearly that UNDER THE LAW,

        A president is not supposed to use his or her powers to persecute or persecute a Filipino Citizen. It would be gravely irresponsible for him or her to do so. The powers of the Philippine government were not meant to be employed for vendettas. Let justice run its course. Everyone deserves a fair trial. That means that the courts should be impartial. That means that: NO EXTERNAL INFLUENCE SHOULD INFLUENCE THE COURTS.

        If you want your leader to be able to single out people for persecution then by all means move to a country with a functioning monarchy.

        I could not have said this better. The courts must settle this without ANY influence from Gibo if he were to become president.

        • I’m not kidding anyone. Does it sound like I’m joking. I never said he was a puppet. I merely agreed that he looked the other way. He also could not or would do anything about the Ampatuans. I get the impression that some educated Filipinos like him because he is an intellectual peer. I hope this is not the case. If we will base it purely on accomplishments Gordon would seem the best choice.

  • Nakaka-irita naman itong article na to. You say, “a Villar win says we never learn.” I say, this kind of reasoning (i.e. voting for the least evil, or crimping your choices down to two, basing it on popularity alone) is what makes/made the Philippine electoral process unsuccessful in the past. We should base our vote on the credentials, the capacity to lead, the political will and the integrity of the candidate.

  • I find such logic stupid. With the same reasoning, anyone (particularly Villar’s supporters) could say that a vote for anyone else other than Villar is essentially a vote for Noynoy.

    I first read this article on the printed version of the Guidon and was quite infuriated. You are basically implying that a vote for either candidate is a wasted one, which could not be further from the truth. To vote for the sole purpose of keeping someone out of office – now THAT would be a wasted vote.

    It shows that you’re willing to compromise what you truly believe would be the best thing for the country (even you admitted that you would have voted for Teodoro) for a short-term fix almost SOLELY based on his popularity and the few aspects that in your eyes place him over the other “major contender.”

    Voting should be based on principle, not on trying to manipulate a result so things don’t happen a certain way. Such bland reasoning is unbecoming of an Atenean!

    • There are different ways to look at a wasted vote. You’re view is that if I were to vote for someone, it better be the one I want to win. However I can also look at the vote as a vote against someone whom I think should not be given a chance to lead.
      It may seem quite flawed to some but it is one that makes perfect sense. If for example I do not wish Noynoy to win no matter what because I fear his inexperience and his anti-institution rhetoric will be the death of our government, I will do everything and anything in my power to make sure he loses. Because for me, my principled self sees that there is greater detriment in him winning than in me voting for any other candidate. Even if I see another candidate better than others, I do not think it is something worth risking. That the victory of Noynoy has greater damages to this country than the loss of my preferred candidate. It is a sacrifice I make for the betterment of the country. It would be then for me a wasted vote if I put that vote in a candidate I think will not win and thus giving Noynoy greater chance of winning.
      You can of course argue so many other things. But do not judge this perspective as a cowardice approach or a stupid approach because it is an approach with principle and with proper discernment.

  • The writer of this column is like a whore! She’s like a woman who has 8 suitors(candidates) but limits herself to the stupid and the corrupt. Choose the best suitor and stand by him. Make a strong statement that we never settle for the stupid to get rid of the cunning and corrupt and vise versa – Magis! The cycle of choosing a lesser evil will never end until we make a stand for the best yet unpopular.

  • It seems like a lot of those who responded here are voting for GIBO. Can anyone give me a good reason on why I should vote for Gibo Teodoro? its just that I didn’t know that he existed until late last year.

    • Hi Lost. Aside from what is articulatedhere, Gibo is the only candidate with a clear and realistic platform which he would implement from day 1 in office. Some of which are:
      His said he can not end poverty in 6 years but would be able to put a structure like ending poverty, increase taxes

    • Hi Lost. Aside from what is articulatedhere, Gibo is the only candidate with a clear, specific and realistic platform which he would implement from day 1 in office. He said he will not be able to end poverty in 6 years but , would be able to set structure for the next leaders to do so. He said he cannot promise not to increase taxes because of the need to manage budget deficit. You also have to look at his character and attitude. He’s running a positive campaign – no mudslinging and character assasination. He never complaint of being unfairly or not being covered by media. I will not be able to list all the reasons why I will vote for him. I suggest you do what I did to learn more about him by watching all the presidential debates (channel 7, 2, Inquirer..). You may also want to visit Goodluck!

    • I have mentioned the reasons why I will NOT vote for Gibo in an earlier post. In a nutshell, I don’t believe he did not see any of his boss’ inappropriate behavior. Therefore, he chose to keep quiet and do nothing about it.

  • i think the article is just a mere expression of panic of losing the voters confidence on Noynoy. I am a Volunteer for Gordon-Bayani tandem. Noynoy may be raised by a good Family but it doesn’t prove that he’ll be able to help the country. He may not steal from the government funds but it’s not enough to reconstruct the demoralized economy of our country. I’m not against with Noynoy but what i believe is that it’s not yet time for him to be our president. I say WE as the people of this once great nation still need to study who we will vote. Stop thinking for a lesser evil, start thinking for recovery and unity. As one of the presidential candidate stated “What this country needs is not just a change OF men, but a change IN men.” i simply follow Gordon-Bayani because of the simple truth…Action…

  • I guess that’s the problem when we’re sent to good schools… We THINK we’re smarter than the rest of the country and try to come up with some “alternative” logic that we can elegantly justify. Yes. It’s a well written article. If style was judged over substance, you’d be winning a lot of things. As a 22 year old, that makes it even more impressive. As for substance? I’ll be frank, but it’s disgusting to think you, a so called member of the nation’s elite, perceive things this way.

    Voting, by all means, should be considered a privilege. After all, we did come from a country that was colonized for several centuries. The privilege to vote is not something to be squandered, not something that should be exercised with the thought of it’s futility. Vote with dignity. Vote for whoever you think can represent the country most effectively, efficiently and proudly. Do not think of things beyond our heads. Do not think that a vote for one is diverted to the other. This is our nation. This is our choice. I’m not going to endorse anyone… All I’m going to say is vote for whoever you deem capable. The choice is simple: I vote for “A” because “A” is capable. Regardless of “B”. Regardless of “C”.

  • The OPINIONS in this column were made to convince (or beg?) the readers to vote for Noynoy right? Well, I am about to vote for him, thanks to this column I realized i should not.

  • I will vote for Gibo because he is not a joke. He did a damn good job in Mindanao as secretary of defense – many people from Mindanao can testify to that. He is the only candidate that doesn’t bash other candidates. He has the most concrete and well thought off platform, and is the most competent. Yes, there was once upon a time an intelligent and inspirational candidate who became the country’s dictator, but even before he was president, people already noticed a flaw in his character. Gibo’s clean campaign is a testament to his character, which Marcos did not possess. And because of that character I believe he will not be just a pawn of the GMA administration. He has a backbone. Something that Noynoy never had.

    Noynoy is not Ninoy. Not even close.

    • I’m sorry. The Ampatuan mess is not a sign of a good job. Let me know if you want me to elaborate.

      • @Carlo,
        When are you going to learn that this whole Maguindanao tragedy is a failure of all the nationally ELECTED senators who did nothing to do away with geopolitical private armies? DND can deal with the presence of these private armies because (drum roll please) they’re already in existence, but legislature ultimately shows you where your leaders stand on whether they should be allowed to exist.

        You don’t need to elaborate; you need to understand what you’re missing.

        • Learn? We can debate on specific points if you wish but you don’t need to be condescending. Putting the blame merely on the legislature especially the Senate is short sighted. The executive branch still enforces the law. So if the DND can deal with private armies, why didn’t it do so? Are you telling me a lack of guidelines or laws is holding back the government from checking on these armed groups to see if they might be overstepping their bounds? Who should be held accountable for their behavior? What about the arms they had which only the army should have? Please explain what the DND needs so it can go after these people?

        • Ann is correct. You should know that all the past governments have already tried to remove these private armies in the past.

          Something to think about: if you read up and do some research, you’ll find out that it was the Cory administration who specifically put the Ampatuans in power in Maguindanao right after the Marcos regime.

          • Because it was Cory’s fault, then the current government should just accept it? That does not sit well with me. Where was the oversight? Didn’t the current administration benefit from the Ampatuans’ influence? Did Gibo not know this? That is my point. Either he did not know or he kept quiet. He is obviously an intelligent man. So what does that imply? Now if the premise is that the current administration is innocent of all accusations thrown at it, we cannot debate because we do not have a common point to start from.

  • sumakit ang ulo ko kakabasa sa article na to at mga comments… napagisip2 ko nlng na tangina.. papabayad nlng ako… wahahaha…

    • If you’re getting paid, vote wisely anyways. 😛
      Just remember the following key points:

      [1] It is not true that a vote for Noynoy’s opponents is a vote for Villar. Vote for Gordon if you’re for Gordon. Vote for Gibo if you’re for Gibo.

      [2] Surveys and pre-election polls should not determine who you vote for. Vote for the best quali ed to do the job, one with the proven track record, one who doesn’t use dead kin for his political advancement.

      [3] A “wasted” vote is a vote made for whoever is “winnable.” Let’s not forget: Erap was winnable in 1998. Because Pinoys voted for winnable Erap, Pinoys paid for it dearly.

      [4] The number of people who are appalled at how this article gives horrible advice should give you an indication that winnables Noy and Villar DO NOT have the May10 elections in the bag. There are people out there who aren’t stupid.

      [5] It’s flat out wrong to believe that just because Noynoy’s parents are Ninoy and Cory, Noynoy is guaranteed to have upright morals. Look at Kris’s past and then talk about morals. Isn’t her parents Ninoy
      and Cory too?

      [6] This isn’t a battle between Good and Evil where Noy is supposed to be Good and everyone else Evil. What’s EVIL is getting paid a congressman’s salary and pork barrel for 9 years, a senator’s salary and pork barrel for 3 years, only to have ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING in those 12 years as ELECTED legislator and then call it FISCALIZING. Fiscalizing is not even a real word. If you want a slacker for a president, go ahead and pick someone who squanders the nation’s time and money calling it “fi scalizing.”

      • I definitely agree. I am VOTING FOR NOYNOY (unless last minute I change my mind to go for Gordon)

        BUT I would like fellow Filipinos to vote for Gordon, Gibo, Estrada, Madrigal, Delos Reyes, Villanueva, or Perlas if they think they are deserving of their vote. That’s wise voting and an exercise of democratic rights and duty. People should not consider winnability as a factor in voting. Who knows there are a million or so who considers winnability in their decision. And that million or so can make the six years of our country. Remember this: WE ARE ON OUR CROSSROADS!

      • Definitely agreed with Ms. Ann S.. Mr. Ang mentioned on the last part of his letter that.. “A Villar win says we never learn. A Villar win says we are hopeless”, but on the 2nd paragraph of his letter he said that.. “I’m not asking you to vote for Noynoy because I think he’s the best, most qualified candidate. He really isn’t, not by a long shot”… Mr. Ang is misleading us on how select the right & most qualified candidates for president! I think Mr. Raymond Ang is among of the people who still have the “SAYANG LANG ANG BOTO KO” mentality… Mr Raymond Ang, kung patuloy na magiging ganyan ang iyong panuntunan sa pag boto ng mga manunungkulan sa ating bayan ay sadyang hindi ka na matututo… Sa halip dapat bilang isang edukadong tao, iyo sanaang ipakiusap sa mga botante na iboto ang kandidato na sa iyong palagay ay s’yang tunay na may kakayahang mamuno ng ating bayan… Kung sakali bang manalo si Noynoy at hindi nya nagawa ang mga bagay na inaasahan mong makapagpapaunlad sa ating mga Pilipino, makayanan mo pa kayang sabihin ang salitang WE NEVER LEARN? We deserve to have a great leader and we should vote the most qualified among of them… If Villar is the Evil and Noynoy is the Good ano naman kaya ang tingin mo kila Gibo, Gordon, Bro. Eddie, Perlas & JC? are they Evil or Good? kung lahat cla ay Evil then I will vote for Noynoy but if one of them is Good then we have another choice dba? at baka mas mainam pa cya compare sa nag iisang Good na iyong tinutukoy…..

  • “Si Noynoy nalang,” “Lesser Evil,” and “Alternative” are pambobong reasons why we should vote for Noy. Where’s wise voting?

    I’m voting this elections in such a way that I will not be haunted by my conscience that I did not pick the best candidate even if he is not as popular as the others.

    I’m making a smart choice this elections because I want to be a voter of integrity, not a piece of bandwagon shit. LOL

    Btw, don’t conclude that votes for Jamby are also for Villar. This is a statement coming from a twisted-minded person.

  • with all due respect, i’d vote for any presidential candidate except for ***** noynoy (and erap, obviously). have you seen the chart containing their credentials and achievements that has been going around? good god, i don’t need to read the whole article to determine its lameness. nothing personal, i don’t know and all, nainis lang ako talaga sa article. seriously- villar vs noynoy; gordon vs noynoy; gibo vs noynoy. HELLO?!?!


  • of course, the author of this article is assuming that all those surveys we’ve been hearing about are credible. mr. ang is basically talking about winnability, a concept that is really not an issue voters should be concerned about. it’s for the campaign handlers to worry about.

    as voters our only concern should be to vote for the best among the candidates. mr. ang himself acknowledged that noynoy is not the best. if you yourself are aware of that then don’t vote for noynoy.

    who is the best among them? that’s for you to decide.

  • Anyone but Noynoy! Its a BIG NO to Noynoy! The Philippines will just go down the drain. What makes you think that its a race between Villar and Noynoy! May 10 elections will reveal the answer. If all will vote for the BEST QUALIFIED presidentiable, NEITHER Villar nor Noynoy will win.

  • this article is sickening. so you are asking us to choose the lesser evil? my vote goes to the one who deserves it. I’ll do this because I still have hope and i have faith.

  • Wow. Dude, you’re still a student are you? You need to experience a few more things in the real world. One of those things is that deceptions are aplenty. And among those deceptions is that the 2010 election is a two-man contest, that Villar is Gloria’s “secret candidate”, and that the country will be washed up when Villar wins. No. The country will be washed up when NOYNOY wins. And that a vote for any other candidate than Noynoy is a vote for Villar? Stupid. That’s fear-mongering politics for you. Don’t vote just to block another candidate from winning. Vote for your candidate even if he may not win, because you like his or her ideas and principles! Vote because you believe in that candidate’s vision for the country.

    Honestly, between Noynoy and Villar, I’ll go for Villar.

    Vote either Gordon or Perlas, they’re the right choices. Especially Gordon.

    Chino – Batch ’97 AB Humanities

  • Please po. Do not vote for the “lesser evil”. Vote for the “greater good” no matter how unlikely the odds are against him. Remember, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!

    You are basing this article on a survey na kahit ikaw was never a participant. On May 10, go out there and vote for the best and most qualified candidate out there. YES. I AM REFERRING TO DICK GORDON. He has a rich history of achievement compared to any other candidates. He was the most transparent in his Statement of Assets and Liabilities. If you love your country, you will go out and campaign for him because you know he can turn this country around. Kaya yan, pagsama sama.

    I am sorry, parang bumaba ang tingin ko sa Ateneo. Oh. and do not use ABS CBN alone for your news, biased ang mga yan kung di pa obvious.

    • I think this article appeared on a student publication. And I am sure, Raymond will even tell you that this opinion article is what he thinks, but is in no way reflective of the views of the whole of Ateneo or the Atenean student body.

      Also, I think the article was constructed with respect. It thus deserves due respect from its readers. I don’t think you the tone of your comment is an appropriate response for the article. but then again, haay, it is your comment.

  • The lesser of two evils is still evil.

    There are other candidates too, who are actually more qualified.

  • I never consider winnability and surveys for a my choice.
    I’ll vote for someone with courage, competence and above all:
    Villanueva gets my support.

    Let us all learn this time.

  • I AM NOT VOTING BUT AM CAMPAIGNING FOR NOY. Ayon sa mga sabisabi (?) in 2004 election May 3 pa tapos na ang election. Panalo na ang nakaupo ngayon, lamang na ng isang milyon. Mahirap paniwalaan, pero ….di ba lumamang nga isang milyon? Pag nanalo si NOY at nabilang ng maayos ang nga botonitong 2010 election, malamang sa sunod na election, boboto na ako.

  • …and an Atenean hits the dust. I could have this passed off if it was coming from a tambay but the article makes me shake my head in dismay. This is the most pathetic campaign effort I have read on Noynoy. Surely, only a fool will fall for this Argumentum Ad misericordiam .

    Mr. Ang, the electorate needs to make good informed choices based on credentials (executive experience, plans of action on national imperatives). IT IS NEVER AN ISSUE OF GOOD vs. EVIL. Wake up and understand that there is corruption in other countries, but what makes them different is that their citizens know how to uphold their rights to be citizens of that country not through false national pride or riding on surveys.

    Make a short list of candidates, mine was from Villar-Gordon-Gibo-Perlas. Then it was tapered to Gordon (my practical vote) – Perlas (my conscience vote). I opted for PERLAS for his Executive experience under the Aquino-Ramos admins, plans of action for New Politics and for arming the agricultural sector with INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL. thus alleviating the plight of the poor.

    Learn how to vote WISELY, there are so many resources available, here’s one for you:!/photo.php?pid=3928911&id=359475606984

  • The article has a point. Not that I’m all for Noynoy, but think of it this way. Noynoy or Villar who would you choose?

    I for one, will vote for either Gibo or Gordon, but for sure they will lose. So instead of your vote being wasted on a losing candidate, why not vore for Noynoy instead who may win if pitted against Villar. Well that’s the point I think the writer is telling us.

    But I still won’t vote for Noynoy. I just get where he’s going.

    So, don’t fume about it, think about it, and say yes/no to his suggestion.

    • If your only basis for saying that Gibo or Gordon will lose are the surveys by pulse asia and sws, then you are greatly mistaken my friend. Please have a tour outside NCR.

  • Campaign tactic: Let the people believe that Noynoy is the only hope.
    and some Filipinos are biting it…

  • maling mali. instead of convincing people to vote for noynoy, why not convince those who are voting for noynoy to vote for the candidate that you think is the most deserving of the presidency?

  • I am a former member of The Guidon editorial board. I was sports editor in 01-02.

    For anyone to say that voting for Noynoy Aquino is the solution of our country and all its problems is appalling. To say it is our only solution against Manny Villar shows the poorness of thought put into this commentary.

    We have been voting for the lesser evil for too long and look at where this kind of attitude has brought our country. We voted for GMA over FPJ. We voted for Erap over Raul Roco. We have been on a downward spiral over the last 30 years because we have not been choosing the best qualified candidate.

    The message we need to get across is for the country to vote for the most qualified candidate, the one with the best track record, the one who can lead, the one who gets the job done.

    A vote is never wasted just because the candidate does not seem winnable based on speculation or surveys funded by other candidates. Surveys, in fact, are against the law as they condition the minds of voters.

    A vote is not a bet on boxer in a boxing match or horse in a horse race. A vote is sacred because it determines the direction of a nation.

    If we follow what you say I guarantee you that your winnable candidates will only bring the Philippines down further.


    • I on the other hand am voting for G1BO. and I know for a fact the we both considered competence and track record in chossing our candidates. I saddens me that a lot of people are swayed by biased media outfits.

  • Even before seeing the banner, I recognized the main argument as something I have heard from ignorant Ateneans who simply parrot their Political Science professor’s ideas without using their own common sense. It is full of fallacies and attached to romanticized notions of the Aquinos. No, WE DO NOT “NEED TO VOTE FOR NOY”.

  • what a lame excuse! if people were like you our country would be doomed. We should vote for the person we believe is most capable to be in the position. Your way of thinking is the reason we always have the wrong people leading the country. wtf!

  • Please seriously take time to consider… Better yet, contemplate if Noy2x was indeed brought up with high morals as he claims ( he is perceived) to have. All the mudslinging… trash talking… divisive attitude that he has shown… I can’t seem to find a hint of the so called morals that a lot of people claims this person has. Inaction is a form of corruption. If he indeed posseses such passion to combat corruption and all the evil doers in this land, why didn’t he do something while he was in congress and senate? Factoid: he was head of security in hacienda luisita when the massacre occured. So please. All of you, for the love of God and country, don’t vote based on popularity, surveys (especially the ones owned/comissioned by candidates), and the more logically fallible reasoning of the “lesser evil”. Base your votes on credentials, based on how these people have behaved during the campaign period and not on what their ads claim them to be. please. I urge you to follow your conscience. Use your minds. and stop watching/reading news from biased meida oufits.

  • If you do not think Gilbert teodoro is the right person with a valid keadership recordand moral compass to lead this country, then do not vote for him. However, if you in your own heart think he is the right man to lead for a credible change, then I believe, it is our moral obligation to campaign for him to be our next president. let us not just have a forced choice and vote for the lesser of 2 evils. this argument will always bring a nation to failure and not progress.

  • some old people, like my dad, actually tend to lean on this idea. sabi nila “let’s be realistic about this”. walang chance daw na mananalo yung ibang candidates. sabi nila, villar at noynoy lang naman and totoong race for the presidency. so what, we’re actually making a mockery of our democratic process? (i like how perlas and jc still campaign despite the leads of noynoy and villar.) our sector raw might be educated enough to see who to vote for, but the masses aren’t. ilang percent lang ba raw tayo ng voting body diba? but isn’t that the point of the saying”your vote counts”? kahit isang boto lang malaki na ang magagawa. let’s not fall for desperation tactics here. may chance pa yung mga candidato. nothing is set on stone yet. let’s vote for who we want to vote for.

  • Enough talk about wasting votes. The only wasted vote is the one you give the undeserving candidate.

    Gordon ought to be our next president.

  • yes, a vote not for villar nor for aquino is a vote against aquino, but it is also a vote against villar. aquino wins if it is he who the majority wants. same goes with villar, and other electoral candidates. unless someone makes it so that somehow votes against noynoy are automagically converted into villar votes there is no point in arguing such.
    let voters vote for whoever they wish to vote for. if you wish to convince people to vote for your candidate, make them believe that your candidate is a good candidate, not make them think that there is no other choice.

  • Very illogical, full of inconsistencies, etc. This article is trash. Ateneo please stand up with your standards.

  • To Mr. Raymond S. Ang,

    I hope you are bothered by your own stupidity. I am overwhelmed by the inferiority of your reasoning, thought construction and article composition. I do not know where to start. You are occupying (or occupied) a high position in the Guidon, hence, you have the responsibility to be intelligent. Please do some justice to the position, and to the Ateneo name.

    On the level of form and substance, is that the best that you’ve got? I am ashamed for you, I am ashamed that that is already the level of the Guidon’s Editor-in-chief.

    -Fellow Atenean

  • I used to think this way, too, and was going to vote for Noynoy. But then I saw the bigger picture outside what the media is portraying. Survey results and the lack of media coverage of other candidates and the constant lambasting of Gloria and Villaroyo… these are all enough to make ordinary persons like you and me go, “That’s it, I’ve had it!” and cling to Noynoy like he’s our only lifeline. Do you see how all of these could have been manipulated, too? How it can all be part of the campaign plan? Where did the idea “Not voting for Noynoy is a vote for Villar” come from in the first place? It’s being repeated like it’s gospel. And I almost fell for it.

    Think over it. Think for yourself. Vote for who you actually want to vote for not because you think there is no other alternative. Because there are.

    A few hours ago I voted for Gordon in the local consulate as a registered absentee voter. It certainly was not a vote for Villar.

  • Good thing you talked some sense into these people, Raymond. For all those opposed to Her Excellency’s corrupt practices, and yet are dumb enough to support THE administration candidate Gilbert Teodoro, listen up. What more proof of pawn-hood do you need? The fact his convention had Gloria’s face all over it? The fact that he is THE candidate of THE party of Arroyo? I don’t know how you, brilliant, intelligent Ateneans are able to reconcile those facts with your opposition to the current regime.

    • sorry but that’s not even the point anymore. THAT’S OLD NEWS.. you can see naman who GMA is really supporting eh. gibo is gibo, gma is gma. example your best friend is a criminal. Because she’s a criminal, does that mean she’s not your friend anymore? you guys are still friends but that doesn’t mean that you agree with her ways. it’s not in the presidents power to punish GMA for what she has done but it’s in the power of the judiciary branch. This is why i don’t understand why the presidentiables even bother discussing that. It’s obvious that some of them just say that they’re going to prosecute GMA because that’s what the people WANT to hear.

      people don’t see that those politicians that moved to either the villar or aquino camp used to be with GMA and if either of them win, GMA will still have allies in the gov’t. it’s the SAME people. They’re all trapo.

      only gibo has positive campaign. you never heard him say anything bad to other people even if some people betrayed him. What’s the point of doing that anyways? Villar and aquino should do the same. People want change but by voting villar or aquino, is there really CHANGE? think about it.

  • How are you so sure that either noynoy or villar going to win? remember that during the ramos’ time, everyone was so sure that miriam defensor was going to win. Ramos at that time was third or even forth in the surveys and look what happened. He won and he was a good president.

  • You know what, this is the lamest excuse I have ever read on why one should vote for a candidate! I have never been disappointed with Guidon. This article makes me feel ashamed of it.

    Don’t you have any idea of what democracy really means and how it is connected with an election?? Well, just to inform you, election is the very gift of democracy. It’s when we freely choose a leader who we TRULY BELIEVE IN, who we believe CAN REPRESENT OUR BEST INTEREST. And not just because you want to antagonize another candidate whom you detest!

    This shows just how mislead us Filipinos can be, how we can be easily fooled by the conditioning strategies each and every politician employs. It’s the very tragedy for the Filipino people, that even when we truly believe in a candidate, we still won’t vote for him and make him win, even when we have the chance to, and even when it’s our right to.

    I’m sorry, but I really suggest that you think twice.

    One should vote for a leader whom he believes in, for the right reasons, and for the right intentions.

  • ang drama niyo. nakakasuka. sana naiintindihan niyo naman ung point of voting. define it to yourself, and stick to that. what the hell do you guys care about what the author thinks? what the hell do you care about what the other people think?

  • This disgusts me. I understand that this is an opinion column, but the reasoning, the justifications, and the arguments present in this column are stupid.

    Yes, stupid.

    And to think this comes from the EIC of the Guidon? I know this article may not speak for all the publication’s writers/members, but given that this came from the topdog, the EIC himself is something else. What a legacy to leave, Mr. Ang.

    I have lost all respect for this publication.

  • This guy is the Editor-in-Chief of The GUIDON? He sounds like my narrow-minded ignorant 60 year-old mother.

    So this is what The GUIDON has come to. What a shame.

  • Come to think about it, I think he wrote this article for people NOT to vote for Noynoy. Íf that’s the case, I’ll tell you what, it’s working.

  • Now, this kind of mentality makes me think that we get exactly what we deserve. You know why we live in such horrible political, economic and social conditions? Yep, that’s right. It’s what we deserve.

    Kung ganyan mag isip lahat ng tao, if we all give up, then there is no point to striving for anything at all.

    You should believe in your votes. So even if all goes wrong and your candidate doesn’t win, you can at least stand with dignity knowing that you did the right thing. Hindi yung “boboto ko si noynoy kasi ayoko si villar” That thinking just demoted you to the level of the hoi polloi who say: “boboto ko si ___ kababayan ko sya e”

    Ang galing nga naman ng Pilipino. If we let candidates like NOYNOY win, and nothing happens to this country, THEN WE DESERVE ALL THE SHIT WE’RE IN, AND ALL THE SHIT WE’RE EVER GONNA GET.


    Mr Ang,

    The person you are begging us to vote for, in that interview, said that if “the people’s will is frustrated”, demonstrations could make this month’s protests in Thailand seem “mild” by comparison.

    To Noynoy though, “the people’s will is frustrated” is equal to him losing. What arrogance.

    So if he loses, there will be bloodshed?

    This, to me, is the height of irresponsibility.

    I hope he does not relish in the idea that his loss would incite violence and bloodshed. For what kind of leader would?

    He said he represents “tunay na pagbabago,” but each day he’s starting to sound like your run-of-the-mill trapo who never concedes, always claims he was cheated.

    I am tired of the fact that this country’s leaders, instead of buckling down to work, would slack off. Then resort to “people power” to get “what’s best for the Filipino people”. How about we leave EDSA clear for motorists and we all get down to work?

    He did not work to have his concerns about full automation addressed (did he even have concerns then?). It’s more unforgivable because he was in a position to actually do something about it. He’s a senator. The Bill happened in right in front of him (lagi nga syang present, di ba?)!

    But he probably wasn’t paying attention during the senate deliberations on the matter, nor to the test run they did with the ARMM elections. His disinterest probably stemmed from him not knowing that his mother would pass away and re-ignite the people’s debt of gratitude for what she and her husband sacrificed for our nation.

    AND what about his meeting/s with some military officials? Are we not supposed to be working towards making the AFP professional and politics-free?

    A Manny Villar presidency may be a bad thing for the country, but a Noynoy presidency would be worse.

    Voting is the most sacred responsibility endowed upon a citizen. It is our duty to choose the best person for the job. My vote is for the candidate who I believe embodies the traits of the leader this country needs. My vote is FOR a candidate, not AGAINST somebody else.

    Shame on you, Sir.


    This “would-be-mild-compared-to-what-would-happen-if-I-lose” event in Thailand caused about 21 deaths and about 800 injuries. Then there’s the catastrophic effect of the protests on Thailand’s economy, ie, tourists not touring, shipments paralyzed, etc.

    Each day without conflict resolution there is a day closer to civil war.

  • What a way to dissuade people from exercising properly their right to suffrage.

    Why vote for the lesser evil when there is a choice to vote for someone who is not an evil at all? Why make our country settle for less? Where is the principle behind voting this way?


    Very disappointing, Mr. EIC.
    How very shameful , Guidon

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