Columns Opinion

Open waters

Published October 19, 2019 at 9:13 am

China has been slowly building its destructive military bases over coral reefs despite how the Philippines won its claims over the Kalayaan Group of Islands in the West Philippine Sea through the recognition of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Law of the Sea. Despite this victory, China continues to develop multiple artificial islands on the Kalayaan Islands. Moreover, the Republic of China has dismissed legal and proven claims by multiple countries over the disputed islands and has refused entry to those areas. China’s unlawful acts should be our driving force to stand our ground in claiming what is ours.

As early as the term of former President Fidel V. Ramos, the Chinese were already asserting their claim over the West Philippine Sea islands by building small nipa huts made for Chinese fishermen. 

Today, these small nipa huts have been transformed into military bases—thick concrete buildings that house thousands of Chinese. Moreover, anti-ship and anti-air missiles, radar equipment, multi-story buildings, basketball courts, football fields, piers, and runways were built all over areas such as Kagitingan Reef, Subi Reef, and Panganiban Reef.

It is very important to note that these islands are 200 nautical miles away from Palawan and are still part of the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). On the other hand, China’s claims ownership of these islands through the vague “Nine-Dash Line” which is drawn around almost the entire South China Sea. They have stuck to this claim of territory while other countries follow the EEZ law.

With the fast development of China’s military bases in multiple islands in the Philippines, the presence of the Chinese in the country is increasing. Filipinos, especially fishermen, are left unable to benefit from the resources of their own territory. It is confusing how China claims that these construction efforts are for peaceful purposes, yet those who wish to enter these areas receive violent threats on the radio that force them to turn back where they came from. Their military presence near our country sparks fear and brings the safety of our citizens into question. Driving them away with brute force will surely not work knowing that their military power is stronger than ours.

Our sovereignty is at stake in these so-called “open” waters. The fight continues as other nations try to gain their rights to islands and zones in the South China Sea. Although China is a founding member of the UN, its outright disregard of UN laws makes a mockery of the organization’s ultimate goal of international peace and security. The Republic of China should begin extracting its resources out of their “claimed” areas before all countries lose patience with peaceful means.

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