
Ateneo history profs resign from NHCP over Marcos burial

By and
Published December 5, 2016 at 8:46 pm

CITING THEIR disagreement with dictator Ferdinand Marcos’ burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani, Ateneo History professor Filomeno Aguilar, Jr., PhD and associate professor Francis Gealogo, PhD, resigned as board members of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP).

NHCP chair Maria Serena Diokno also resigned a day before the November 30 indignation rally against the burial.

Gealogo made his resignation public in a Facebook post on November 29, posting a scanned copy of his resignation letter addressed to President Rodrigo Duterte dated November 19, a day after the burial.

“I submitted my resignation the day after the burial because I felt that the burial was a gross affront to the dignity of the Filipino people. What was buried was not necessarily the wax figure of the dictator, but rather our very own sense of history. So, out of decency and principle, I resigned,” Gealogo said in an interview with The GUIDON.

When asked about the ramifications of his resignation, Gealogo said that resigning had “more weight to it.” He said that government offices in the past have often ignored the commission’s advice on issues concerning national history.

“But apparently, it [NHCP’s efforts] did not carry much weight in providing the necessary historical evidence to people in power with regards to matters pertaining to our history. Actually resigning, in effect, carried more weight… the Commission did what it was mandated to do, and we sent all of this to the president but apparently nothing happened. There was a disagreement as to how the issue is to be appreciated, at least. So, I don’t think [it was] necessary for me to stay,” Gealogo said.

Despite this, Gealogo said that the Commission’s stand opposing the burial was “based on solid historical research,” and was made “as part of the mandate of the Commission to clarify issues pertinent to historical questions that confront society”.

Meanwhile, Aguilar, former dean of the School of Social Sciences, resignation was reported on Twitter by CNN correspondent Makoi Popioco last December 1.

The president is in charge of appointing new board members in the event a member chooses to resign or is unable to maintain their position in the commission, according to Diokno.

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