THE OFFICE of the Registrar (OUR) and the Office of Student Activities (OSA) conducted a meeting on September 29 with student representatives from the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo (COA) and the Sanggunian regarding a possible change in class schedule and activity hour for the second semester.
According to a memorandum released by the COA Executive Board to their Council of Representatives (COR), the OUR proposed that classes start at 8:00 AM daily and activity hour would be from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM on Monday and Friday.
Moreover, Monday, Wednesday and Friday (MWF) classes will remain as one hour periods, and one-and-a-half hour periods for Tuesday and Thursday (TTH) classes.
During the meeting, the officer from the OUR explained that the proposed shift in schedules was made “to help address the problem of traffic congestion along with the simultaneous entry of grade school and high school students.”
The OUR said there will be three unit classes occupying a 6:30 PM to 8:oo PM timeslot on Monday and Friday. During MWF there will also be 8:oo PM to 9:00 PM classes, as opposed to classes ending at 9:oo PM on TTH alone.
Furthermore, the OUR said that only a few classes might occupy the aforementioned, providing opportunities for organizations to extend beyond activity hour without discouraging students who have classes after.
Assistant to the OUR Geraldine Sandrino stated that “it is still premature. The final proposal hasn’t been presented yet.”
She further explained that the proposal has yet to be presented to the Loyola Schools administration, the School Forum, and the School Council before a final decision will be made.
The proposal shall be presented in a school forum on October 9 at the Escaler Hall from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM.
According to COA President Iesous Hernandez, there were no negative responses from the COR regarding the proposed new schedule.
“Personally, I think it’s a good compromise between the general needs of the universities and the welfare of the organizations,” Hernandez said.
Editor’s note: The original article published on this website did not contain statements from the administration. This has since been edited to include those from OUR and OSA.