
Atenean Voice: What was your experience like with Aisis during this semester’s enlistment period?

Published December 30, 2012 at 2:07 am

“I think the two batch system should stay if and only if the server can handle it, otherwise the four batch system is excellent. There is something beautiful about the ‘gambler’s dilemma’ of the random number system, and I think the two batch system breeds a feeling of entitlement that shouldn’t be there; if your batch isn’t good then you should brace yourself for the professors that you don’t want. My experience with Aisis this semester was a negative one, but this is exclusively due to the server crashes; I enjoyed the fact that I still managed a great schedule despite being in the second batch.”

–       Narciso Nario III, IV AB PoS

“I had a really easy time, though I hear the situation was quite the opposite for those in the second batch. I logged in easily; and though five minutes into enlistment, we experienced a 20-second blip, Aisis was back in no time, with really fast speeds. I was done enlisting in less than five minutes after that.”

–       JV Poe, III BS CTM

“I expected it to be a big bloodbath, but it actually wasn’t so bad. I got the subjects I wanted agad. It was a new system so I had my doubts, thinking the system would crash right away. But, I guess I was just quick enough so I didn’t experience any problems.”

–       Orvilla Zosa, II BS ME

“I was really surprised that it was so fast and expedient. It took me two minutes to enlist for this semester. It’s surprising because what I hear from other schools is that their websites always crash and… But as to the system of enlistment, I don’t think it should forever be random… I think there should also be certain priorities (i.e. scholars, honor students, etc.).”

–       Miko Alazas, I AB/MA PoS

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