
Online Learning Exchange Program launched as JTA alternative amid safety concerns

Published April 28, 2021 at 11:18 am
Photo by Lorenzo Corro

THE OFFICE of International Relations (OIR) launched the Online Learning Exchange Program (OLEP) to maximize internationalization opportunities given the suspension of the physical Junior Term Abroad (JTA) program for AY 2021–2022.

An online alternative to the JTA program, the OLEP includes Inbound and Outbound programs for International Exchange Students (IXS) and Loyola Schools (LS) students respectively. 

Vice President for University and Global Relations Jose Cruz, SJ and OIR Director Karen Sunico said that the University is one of the few institutions in the country that opened regular online courses to IXS. They added that the OLEP aims to provide students with an “international academic experience” in view of safety concerns amid the pandemic.

OLEP Inbound and Outbound

The OLEP Outbound will be operational for AY 2021–2022, allowing LS students to earn credits from taking host universities’ online courses. Moreover, LS participants are limited to enroll for only one semester of the program.

Similar to its physical counterpart, the OIR and JTA Coordinators will contact OLEP Outbound accepted applicants after they adjust their Individual Program of Study and submit department approvals. Aside from this, they must also submit nomination and application requirements to the host university.

The OIR will then inform concerned Ateneo offices regarding the clearance of the  accepted participants, as well as monitor the students’ well-being amidst the host university’s learning system. Upon completion of the program, these students must validate their classes according to the Office of the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs’ processes.

Regarding the IXS application process, Cruz and Sunico said that OLEP Inbound’s requirements, admission schedules, and application processes are identical to the regular mobility program. They added that the registration processes, student services, and policies are also similar to the face-to-face setup of LS students.

They said that OLEP Inbound’s applications for the Fall Semester will remain open until April 30, while nominations and applications for the Spring Semester 2022 will open from July 15 to September 30.

Currently, there are 16 IXS from Belgium, Brunei, China, France, Italy, Japan, and Spain enrolled for the Spring Semester. “Launching […] the Online Learning Exchange Program will help our […] local students interact with the exchange students and kind of get a better idea of what is going on outside the local context,” Ateneo Student Exchange Council (ASEC) President Hannah Co said.

However, Cruz and Sunico also noted that the IXS faces drawbacks in the online setup due to varying time zones. To address this, Sunico said that the OIR guides IXS to choose “friendlier” class time slots during registration.

Meanwhile, Co said that ASEC continues to introduce IXS to Atenean culture through various culminating activities. For example, the OIR and ASEC launched the International Member Orientation Seminar for IXS on January 19, which is similar to its local counterpart, Freshmen Orientation Seminar.

JTA cancellation

Despite the administration’s efforts to provide online internationalization opportunities, Co commented that the OLEP is not a fulfilling replacement for the physical JTA. “If I were in the shoes of the JTA students, it’d be nice to still interact with students from other countries. […] But at the same time, there’s that challenge […] to adjust to the time that they’re taking their classes on top of everything that’s going on right now,” Co said. 

The administration initially prepared for the JTA program’s resumption in 2020, but they still decided to cancel the program due to current health and safety conditions such as the emergence of new COVID-19 strains. Co added that the administration’s decision ultimately prioritized students’ safety.

Sunico also shared that partner institutions were “poised to resume student mobility” for LS students in November 2020, but they insisted on suspending mobility programs due to health and safety concerns worldwide. She explained that partner universities are currently expecting to resume nominations for delivering programs on-site for Fall 2021.

“Partner universities are understandably careful too in committing to the delivery of mobility programs given the volatility of health situations and attendant border control issues,” Cruz and Sunico added.

In the meantime, the OIR said that they are coordinating with the Commission on Higher Education, partner universities, and their respective embassies to receive  updates on available student exchange programs. Sunico added that the OIR constantly monitors advisories regarding international travel and their partner institutions’ exchange programs.

Next resumption

While Cruz said that JTA in its physical mobility may resume in AY 2022-2023, they may still call for another suspension depending on government restrictions. Upon possible resumption, students will undergo the standard application process.

Additionally, Cruz and Sunico said that these outbound opportunities will be hosted only by partner institutions that have adequate protocols that address health concerns.

Ultimately, Cruz and Sunico said that the resumption of the physical JTA program depends on vaccine distribution and efficacy.“Vaccines are an important component in multi-pronged responses to COVID-19. However, while vaccines are a potent tool, they do not guarantee final resolution of the pandemic,” they stated.

ADDENDUM: This article was written prior to the announcement of the Online Learning Exchange Program Outbound, and it has since been updated to contain newly released information about the program.

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